Miscellaneous Pics

All photos taken by me.   (Just thought I 'd throw that in)  : )

Titled picture of Seattle
This is the city where I lived the first 32 years of my life. I was born here in 1967.
(Well, actually it was a bit to the right of this scene) I took this picture from the deck of my apartment in Fall, 1997.

Seattle snow, 1996
The day after Christmas, 1996, Seattle was awakened by 9-inches of snow!
With a free day off, I went for a walk and snapped a roll of film.
This is Volunteer Park, on Seattle's Capitol Hill.   Brrrrrr...

Seattle sunset
Seattle by night, Fall, 1997.

Seattle apartment, 1996
This is the apartment building where I used to live, in 12/96. Directly below the purple dot at top-center was my apartment.
When it snowed, I loved to watch cars spin their tires trying to get up this hill.

Dave pic from brother's wedding
Me! This was taken at my brother's wedding in June, 1996.
I need to retouch this photo and straighten my tie! :-)

Blurry Dave at West Port beach
If you were drunk, I'd look something like this.
This picture was taken in May, 1996 at a beach in West Port, WA  (Burp!)

Inner tubing Dave
Me, in an inner tube on Lake Washington, in Summer, 1995(?)

San Diego apartment
This is the apartment building where I lived when I was in San Diego.
This picture was taken 6/2000.

San Diego apartment courtyard
My San Diego apartment building's courtyard. My front door
was at the back, just under the staircase on the right.
This picture was taken 6/2000.

Altima in San Diego
That's my old car. I sold it to my friend in 2002 after I bought my truck.
This picture was taken 6/2000, and pixel-edited in 9/2001 to mask the missing hubcap.
Can you guess which tire really doesn't have a hubcap?   :-)
(Guesses suggesting it's one of the tires on the other side of the car don't count, because
the car actually has only ONE hubcap -- the rest fell off: thank you Nissan Corp).
The answer is at the bottom of the page.

1942 Walking Liberty Half Dollar
I love coin collecting and this happens to be my favorite coin from my collection!
It's only worth about $4 (grade is F-12). But I just love the way the tarnishing
has highlighted the background, bringing the details out much more.

Moscow Mountain Tree at Sunset
Back in 1991, a college buddy and I went out to snap pictures of scenery at Moscow Mountain,
near Pullman, WA. Well, we just weren't finding what we were looking for, so as the sun began
to set, we decided to give up and head home. We got down the road about a mile, turned right
and about 10 seconds later, we both looked over to the right and saw this. Neither of us said a
word, because we both knew that this had to be photographed. I slammed on the brakes and
pulled off to the shoulder of the road. At the same time, my buddy was grabbing our cameras
from the back seat. I didn't have my tripod, so just sat the camera on the roof of my car
and held it as steady as I could. I believe this was about a 1-2 second exposure.
I was surprised it turned out. Talk about serendipity!

Repaired image of my grandmother, Katie
This is a picture of my grandmother, Katie Ellen (Tucker) Withrow, taken sometime in the 1930's.
The picture was, as you can see, fairly ravaged by improper storage. I spent 8 hours with Paint
Shop Pro 4.12, editing out the scratches and repairing what I could of the damage. The result is
rather dramatic. That prompted me to upgrade to Paint Shop Pro version 7. Using it's advanced
tools, I did almost exactly the same level of repair in only 45 minutes...and then forgot to save
the file! But, fortunately, I still had the 8-hour fix version. Cool, eh? It's amazing how easy
it is to fix this. Looks as good as new!

Well, that's it for now. To ensure you don't miss any new pics, be sure to check back every 5 minutes! Yeah, that's it.

(Answer: the correct hubcap is on the rear tire)

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